Sunday, April 29, 2018

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring

I haven't been good about updating this blog this winter. Part of the reason for that might be the fact that I may have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bought a light therapy lamp, but I still need to work on managing my depression symptoms during the winter.

Despite not posting as regularly as I'd like, I have been making an effort to make time for spirituality in my life. I've been aiming to meditate at home in the evenings for about 15 minutes per day. When I am able to do this, it really helps relieve stress. I've been pretty good about attending UU services too. Other than that, I've been doing Magical Meditations on sabbats at least and need to work on consistently celebrating esbats.

This weekend, I've sort of been playing catch up. There were a couple of deaths, one in my extended family and one of my friends from college and church died too. Yesterday I did the Magical Meditation about the Underworld and today I listened to Circle In A Box in honor of the full moon. On Tuesday, I have some exciting plans for Beltane and I'll let you know how that goes.

Saturday, April 21, 2018