Friday, October 6, 2017


An esbat is a modern witch ritual carried out during a full (or new) moon. Since the full moon was yesterday and I work full-time during the week, I've been celebrating esbats on the closest Saturdays. Tomorrow I plan to celebrate the full moon by reflecting on my last of 10 monthly health goals that I set for myself back in January.

Throughout my reintroduction to Wicca over the past two years, I've been experimenting with what to do to honor and celebrate the lunar cycle. At first I searched online for simple rituals and asked other people what they did for their full moon esbats. I decided to light a white candle and meditate on feminine divine energy. Sometimes I'd gaze at or visualize the full moon while chanting "Maiden, Mother, Crone" with the use of mala beads.

Second, I pieced together my own ritual from the words of Deborah Blake, a Llewellyn publication, Raymond Buckland, and Scott Cunningham. If you want to know more about my old full moon and new moon rituals, you can comment below to request more details. It includes:

  • Purify Yourself
  • Purify Your Space
  • Cast the Circle
  • Call the Quarters
  • Full (or New) Moon Rite
  • The Simple Feast
  • Dismiss the Quarters
  • Open the Circle

Third, in an attempt to simplify things, I bought the CD Circle In A Box by Lisa Stewart. The music is lovely and I occasionally still use it. It includes:
  • Consecration
  • Calling the Quarters
  • Casting the Circle
  • Invoking The Goddess
  • Invoking The God (which I sometimes skip and save for sabbats)
  • Chalice & Blade
  • Magickal Meditation
  • Cakes & Ale
  • Releasing The God
  • Releasing The Goddess
  • Releasing The Quarters
  • Merry Meet, Merry Part, & Merry Meet Again

Fourth, for a while I would follow the Sage Goddess full moon rituals on YouTube. I did enjoy Athena's rituals. However, since Sage Goddess is a metaphysical shop, I grew tired of the mentions of crystals and sacred tools. I'm discovering that my own personal practice is to be less dependent on tools and more mindful of my budget when considering purchasing spiritual things. I'll write more on this frugal philosophy later.

Fifth, I've been spending more time reflecting on my progress towards monthly goals and writing in my intuitive journal. I've also been doing this in conjunction with the use of tarot cards. In addition, if I plan ahead and have enough time, I still like to use Circle In A Box.

Starting next new moon, leading up to Samhain (the witch's new year), I plan to set a monthly intention to work through Cunningham's 13 Goals of a Witch:
  1. Know yourself.
  2. Know your Craft (Wicca).
  3. Learn.
  4. Apply knowledge with wisdom.
  5. Achieve balance.
  6. Keep your words in good order.
  7. Keep your thoughts in good order.
  8. Celebrate life.
  9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth.
  10. Breathe and eat correctly.
  11. Exercise the body.
  12. Meditate.
  13. Honor the Goddess and God.
I'll do a tarot reading on new moons and reflect on my progress on full moons.

How do you celebrate esbats?

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