About Me

Dear Reader,

Hello, my magical name is Serena. I performed a Wiccan self-dedication ritual when I was still a teenager. Over the years, I have let my attention to spiritual needs lapse while I focused on my educational and professional goals, only returning to spirituality in times of need.

A few years ago I started experiencing some health issues. Spirituality saw me through multiple surgeries and one spring day I decided to spend a year and a day in focused study. A year and a day later, on my thirtieth birthday, I performed another dedication ceremony.

Though I would like to connect to more Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches, I'm still mostly in the broom closet. I'm an eclectic solitary practitioner who likes to read books about nature-based spirituality, write in my many journals, and perform simple esbat and sabbat rituals. Meditation is an important part of my spiritual practice. Join me on my spiritual journey.

Blessed be,