Study Guide

In Wicca, there is a tradition to spend a year and a day in serious study before you decide whether you want to dedicate yourself to the path.

I considered taking a formal course in Paganism, Wicca, or Witchcraft, but in the end I decided on a period of self study. In my search for an appropriate class, I found multiple syllabi. One of the most useful course outlines, which I based mine on, was posted online on Facebook from a deceased teacher that went by LJ.

Below is a summary of my year and a day as a spiritual seeker broken down into weekly study topics and at the bottom of this page is a printable one-page study guide.

A Year and a Day of Study for the Spiritual Seeker
1. Wicca as a Nature Religion - Wicca is associated with nature and the cycle of life.
2. History of Witchcraft - Look up the word 'Witch' and research the History of Witchcraft.
3. The Wiccan Rede - What does 'Harm None' mean?
4. What is Deity? - What is the Wiccan concept of the divine?
5. The Pagan Goddess - Research and meditate on the concept of divine feminine.
6. The Pagan God - Research and meditate on the concept of divine masculine.
7. Study Skills - Review or learn effective study skills.
8. The Charge of the Goddess - Read and reflect on The Charge of the Goddess.
9. The Charge of the God - Read and reflect on The Charge of the God.
10. Define Happiness & Success - What do happiness and success mean to you?
11. Organization Skills - Review or learn effective time management and organization skills.
12. Meditation - Understand the importance of meditation and learn how to 'ground and center.'
13. Energy Raising - Learn how to raise energy and visualize your aura.
14. The Esbats - What is an esbat? Research the lunar cycle and monthly observances.
15. Altar Tools & Altar Layouts - Cleanse and consecrate basic tools. Create an altar.
16. Circle Casting - Research simple circle casting rituals.
17. Cast Your Own Circle - Write and perform your own circle casting ritual.
18. The Elements - The five points of The Pentagram are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit.
19. Earth - Research and meditate on the element of Earth.
20. Air - Research and meditate on the element of Air.
21. Fire - Research and meditate on the element of Fire.
22. Water - Research and meditate on the element of Water.
23. Spirit - Research and meditate on the element of Spirit.
24. Ethics of Magick - What is the 'Rule of Three'? Think about your own personal morals.
25. Types of Magick - Learn about the different types of magick and review two.
26. Correspondences - Days, Colors, Herbs, Stones, etc.
27. Cast Your Own Spell - Write and cast your own spell to help you achieve one of your goals.
28. The Wheel of the Year - What are the 8 sabbats? Research each of the following in turn.
29. Imbolc - Alternate names & spellings, dates, reason for celebrating, activities, colors, etc.
30. Ostara - Alternate names & spellings, dates, reason for celebrating, activities, colors, etc.
31. Beltane - Alternate names & spellings, dates, reason for celebrating, activities, colors, etc.
32. Litha - Alternate names & spellings, dates, reason for celebrating, activities, colors, etc.
33. Lammas - Alternate names & spellings, dates, reason for celebrating, activities, colors, etc.
34. Mabon - Alternate names & spellings, dates, reason for celebrating, activities, colors, etc.
35. Samhain - Alternate names & spellings, dates, reason for celebrating, activities, colors, etc.
36. Yule - Alternate names & spellings, dates, reason for celebrating, activities, colors, etc.
37. The Mysteries - What do Wiccan mysteries mean to you?
38. Female Mysteries - Research feminine mysteries.
39. Male Mysteries - Research masculine mysteries.
40. Investigate Paths - Research two other pagan paths; compare and contrast with Wicca.
41. Divination Overview - Learn about tarot reading, scrying with a pendulum, runes, etc.
42. Divination Practice - Pick one form of divination and experiment with it.
43. Pantheons - Research at least two different pantheons.
44-47. Examine - Review your work so far and consider new or more advanced topics.
48-50. Challenge - Do something difficult. Face one of your fears or volunteer.
51. Review - Go over what you have learned so far and decide whether this is the path for you.
52. Preparation - If you've been working with a coven, plan to be initiated. Otherwise research self-dedication ceremonies.
53. Initiation/Self-Dedication - Participate in an initiation or perform a self-dedication ceremony.

Free, printable one-page Study Guide.