Saturday, October 14, 2017

Pagan Prayers

Here is a collection of my favorite prayers. These prayers are mostly traditional with authors unknown. However, I just read what I am referring to as the Evening Prayer in Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham.

Comment below if you'd like me to share a black and white printable mini Book of Prayer that includes all but the Evening Prayer.

morning prayer

Morning Prayer (Blessed be my feet)

Blessed be my feet, which walk the sacred path of the Lord and Lady.
Blessed be my knees, which kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be my heart, may it beat the drum of compassion.
Blessed be my lips, may they always speak the truth.
Blessed be my eyes, may they see the wisdom of Spirit.
May the love of the Lord and Lady be in and around me
     as I begin my journey through life this day.

So mote it be!

bath time prayer

Bath Time Prayer

Blessed be the waters that wash away the soil
From my tired body worn with care and toil
That I may rise from them clean as new
As if bathed in pools of shining dew
So [mote] it be.

Pagan Serenity Prayer 

God & Goddess Grant Me
The Power of Water To Accept with Ease & Grace that which I Cannot Change The Power of Fire For the Energy of Courage To Change the Things I can The Power of Air For the Ability To Know the Difference and The Power of Earth For the Strength To Continue My Path

meal time prayer

Buddhist Meal Time Prayer

This food comes from the earth and the sky
It is the gift of the entire universe
And the fruit of much hard work
I vow to live a life that is worthy to receive it

evening prayer

Evening Prayer

Lady of the Moon;
Lord of the Sun;
Protect me and mine
Now day is done.

bed time prayer

Bed Time Prayer (As I lay snuggled)

As I lay snuggled in my bed,
Pillow tucked beneath my head,
Maiden, bring me joyful dreams.
Mother, bring me peace, serene.
Wisest Crone, watch over me.
Until the light of dawn, I see.
And let me wake up safe and sound,
Each day that to this Earth, I’m bound.

What are your favorite Pagan and Wiccan prayers?

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