Thursday, October 5, 2017

Albuquerque Pagan Pride Day

A Chronicle of the Events of Sunday, September 24, 2017

I was running late that morning, going to the city from a small town, but I made it to Unitarian Universalist services just in time. They called my name and I walked to the front to receive a rose and participate in the new member ceremony. Saw a familiar face when I stopped by the social hall for refreshments then headed to a grocery store on my way to the festival.

Like last year, my spouse and I donated a can of corn and a can of black beans as admission to Albuquerque Pagan Pride Day. There seemed to be more booths this year and the bicycle valet station was cute, but we were disappointed that there weren't more food trucks. We had falafel sandwiches last year but decided to go somewhere else for lunch this year.

Started off with lavender lemonade, then walked around to check out other vendors. I resisted the temptation to buy clothes, jewelry, books, or various pagan supplies (such as the small cauldron that I bought last year and rarely use); however, I did add my name to a pagan publishing mailing list and picked up a few pamphlets. Was glad to see Coyote Willow CUUPS next to Rio Rancho Moonspirit CUUPS.

Before long, the druids began the main ritual. I participated--walking in a circle while chanting, listening to their ceremonial words, singing--while my spouse sat under a tree. Some kids approached him and he saw a bull dog with brown fur on its legs that looked like pants. Refilled my cup with lavender iced tea then browsed the booths some more.

Sampled some flavored popcorn. Received a free neck rub from a nice gray-haired lady from Sweetwater Herbs. She used a relaxing aromatherapy balm that was a blend of ylang ylang and lavender. Can you guess what my favorite flower is? Afterwards we went to “a place of peace and happiness,” An Hy Quan, for lunch. It was a wonderful day.

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