Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Fall/Winter Update

Woman In Total Control of Herself
I've been neglecting my blog while I work on managing my SAD symptoms. Light therapy lamp, walking, listening to music, and making an effort to be social have been helping. Still, I want to give in to the urge to hibernate and eat sweets and carbs. Some days have been better than others and some days have been worse. I'm hanging in there.

Speaking of urges, I believe it was the new moon in October when I felt compelled to make an offering of incense. My bedroom windowsill is now decorated with chakra stones on one side and spirit bowls on the other. Meditated somewhat consistently in the evenings. Read Living Earth Devotional by Clea Danaan somewhat consistently in the mornings.

My Halloween celebration was pretty relaxed. Hid in plain sight at work with my lazy witch costume (pictured above). When I got home from work, I had dinner then handed out candy while I did some laundry and watched The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. The next day I went to a Day of the Dead Dance.

Not sure if I'll be better about observing sabbats and esbats now that my spouse is back from a month-long trip out of the country, but it'll be nice having someone to read me the Yule meditation from Magical Meditations.

Any tips for easy new moon and full moon celebrations in winter? What are you doing for the Winter Solstice?

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